Sunday, November 13, 2011

Butter Chicken

Butter Chicken

3-4 Tbsps. butter
1 large white onion, halved then chopped
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
2 to 3 garlic cloves, minced / crushed and finely diced
2 tsp. freshly grated ginger (or 1-1/2 tsps. ground ginger)
1/2 tsp. turmeric
1-1/2 Tbsps. curry powder
1/8 tsp. ground coriander seeds
1-2 pinches of fresh coriander, finely chopped
1-1/2 to 2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into chunks
1/4 cup ground almonds
1 can whole tomatoes, peeled, with juice OR 1 can diced tomatoes with juice
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 cup plain yogurt (or sour cream if you prefer)
In a large and deep frying pan, melt butter, until it is gently bubbling.
Add onions and cinnamon and sauté lightly. Then add ginger when the onions are transparent.
Once you’ve given it a good stir using a wooden spoon, add the turmeric, curry powder, both corianders and continue sautéing on medium heat.
Paying attention to the way the spices smell as they cook, when they seem heated through,
add the chunks of chicken, stirring until they appear cooked but not browned. Then add ground almonds, giving a stir, add the tomatoes and tomato paste and mix completely. Cover and simmer for about 40 minutes.
At the very end, add yogurt OR sour cream and heat thoroughly.
Serve on Basmati rice with some naan bread.

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